Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

Peter Yates an excellent practioner and teacher of Tradional Chinese and  Japanese medicine. He lives and works in New York and travels freqently to give senimars and classes. I learn all the time from my friend and 'Kung Fu  brother'  er

Peter Yates an excellent practitioner and teacher of Traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. He lives and works in New York and travels frequently to give seminars and classes. I learn all the time from my friend and 'Kong Fu brother'.

Rick Harding, A special Rock climbing teacher Millerton , West Coast , New Zealand.

Rick Harding, A special Rock climbing teacher Millerton , West Coast , New Zealand.
    Juang Chi my present teacher of Wu tai Chi and Wushu, an excellent teacher.

Juang Chi my present teacher of Wu tai Chi and Wushu, an excellent teacher.

Howard Choy A very long time teacher and friend ..taught me Choy Le Fut ,Yang Tai Chi , Lohan Qi Gong, and many other good stuff.

Howard Choy A very long time teacher and friend ..taught me Choy Le Fut ,Yang Tai Chi , Lohan Qi Gong, and many other good stuff.
Lao Gua Hua who taught me Choy Le fut, Chen Tai Chi, spear ,pole and sword and Qi Gong.
Lao Gua Hua who taught me Choy Le fut, Chen Tai Chi, spear ,pole and sword and Qi Gong.
CoCo John a wonderful teacher from Sydney who taught me Wing Chung, Arnis, Hun Gar, Choy Le fut.clowning and circus tricks and many other usuful things.
CoCo John a wonderful teacher from Sydney who taught me Wing Chung, Arnis, Hun Gar, Choy Le fut, clowning and circus tricks and many other usuful things.

Chan Young fa my teacher of Lohan Qi gong and Choy Le fut Kung Fu.
Chan Young fa my teacher of Lohan Qi gong and Choy Le fut Kung Fu.

One response to “Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

  1. Michelle Pritchard

    I am an old friend of Pete Yates. I am coming to New York next week and would love to catch up with him. Can you pass on my email to him or provide me with a contcat please.
    Thank you

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