Mixed Medium

Prints, Paint, Paper, material, Approx, 800/500 cm

Prints, Paint, Paper, material, Approx, 800/500 cm

Prints, Guache, Approx, 1000/400 cm

Prints, Guache, Approx, 1000/400 cm

Prints, Guache, Approx, 1000/400 cm

Prints, Guache, Approx, 1000/400 cm

Print, Enamel paint, Approx, 300/200 cm

Print, Enamel paint, Approx, 300/200 cm

Print, Paint, Paper, Material,Approx, 600/400 cm

Print, Paint, Paper, Material,Approx, 600/400 cm

Drawing, Enamel. Approx, 400/300 cm

Drawing, Enamel. Approx, 400/300 cm

Paint, paper, material. pastel, Approx,800/500 cm

Paint, paper, material. pastel, Approx,800/500 cm

One response to “Mixed Medium

  1. I love your work ..Its new and different ..I want to see more .thanks …Bill Tokyo

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