
Akiruno, Tokyo, Pastels, Approx, 600/400 cm

Akiruno, Tokyo, Pastels, Approx, 600/400 cm

Hino Hara Mura, Tokyo, Approx, 800/600 cm

Hino Hara Mura, Tokyo, Approx, 800/600 cm

Ome, Tokyo, Pastels, Approx, 600/500 cm

Ome, Tokyo, Pastels, Approx, 600/500 cm

Hino Hara Mura, Tokyo, Approx, 600/500 cm

Hino Hara Mura, Tokyo, Approx, 600/500 cm

Hinode,Tokyo, Pastels, Approx,700/600 cm

Hinode,Tokyo, Pastels, Approx,700/600 cm

New Zealand, Pastels on leather, Approx, 600/500 cm

New Zealand, Pastels on leather, Approx, 600/500 cm

Taiwan, Pastels, Approx 600/500 cm

Taiwan, Pastels, Approx 600/500 cm

Okutama,Tokyo, Pastels, approx,800/600 cm
Taiwan,Pastels,Approx,800/600 cm

Taiwan, Pastels, Approx, 800/600 cm

Taiwan, Pastel,Aprox,800/600cm

Taiwan, Pastel, Approx, 800/600cm

One response to “Pastels

  1. Most of the work here except for the mixed media and the drawings on the trains are paintings using pastels.
    I call them paintings as pastels are in essence paint and we can do all the things with pastel that we can do with wet paint…
    for example,
    Work the composition slowly into focus from so called underpaintings ( pastels wiped back and also worked into the paper).
    mix color to get other color, achieve glazes, fix the work and work over the top , we can even use brushes , indeed any thing ,including finger nails ( very available )
    I prefer pastels mainly, at the moment, as pastels are faster to use .. I can pick a limited palette of about six colors that I want to use hold them in one hand and just go for it , of course every now and then I will stop .. stand back , access, etc just like any painting .
    With pastels there is less gear to lug around ..these things are important because I work completely on location and have to work fast as the light is changing at an incredible rate .. so too is the weather , the situation .
    I like this vitality of working as it enables me to be totaly involved with the work at hand . To move to the other side of the brain I guess.
    Painting with pastels is its exciting .. its energizing , its alive .. its revealing .. its surprising .. and again its very very humbling.
    These paintings are on mainly good quality water paper ( as I often use water and other media with the pastels) the size being about 64 cm / 55cm.

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